John C. McCoy’s name appears often in the records of Dallas County Pioneer Association, as he was the first president of the group. Here is a brief timeline of his interesting life.
- 1819 – Birth in Clark County, Indiana
- 1834 – Enters Clark County Seminary
- 1837 – First job, and begins to study law
- 1839 – Joins his uncle Isaac on the frontier of Missouri and works as a surveyor
- 1839 – Living in Missouri with his relatives including first cousin also named John C. McCoy (known as the father of Kansas City) when first lots sold in new town of Kansas City
- 1840 – Living in Jeffersonville and resumes study of law
- 1844 – Invited to come to Texas by Capt. Charles Hensley to serve as sub-agent and surveyor for Peters’ Colony
- 1845 – Living in North Texas at time of Texas Annexation as a State.
- 1845 – Organizes troops to serve in Mexican-American War.
- 1848 – Becomes a Mason
- 1851 – Marries Miss Cora McDermot (sometimes spelled McDermett)
- 1853 – Death of wife and baby daughter, both named Cora (burial at Oakland Cemetery)
- 1856 – Elected to serve as District Attorney for 16th Judicial District
- 1861 – Serves as quartermaster during Civil War
- 1862 – Serves first of two terms in Texas legislature
- 1887 – Death and burial (Oakland Cemetery)
For more information, please see the extensive biography for John C. McCoy, on our Pioneers page.
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