Join us Saturday, May 7, 2022 at 11:00am at W.W. Glover Cemetery for our annual PIONEER PICNIC. This is the biggest pioneer, history and nature lovers reunion in Dallas and surrounding counties! You are encouraged to bring a food item to share. We’ll have a table under the awning for the food. There’s plenty of room on the grounds and we’ll have tons of shade provided by the largest documented Post Oak tree in Dallas. Our many Heritage Irises should also be in bloom. Remember to bring lawn chairs, insect repellent and sunscreen. All are invited – we’ll be there early to setup (feel free to join us!) Volunteers from both Warren Ferris Cemetery & Oakland Cemetery are welcome to join us when their workday ends. W. W. Glover Cemetery 6670 Military Parkway To the left of and behind the church property that fronts on Military Parkway. If you have questions please call Kathy Ann Reid (214) 392-7948 |
If you have changed your mailing address, e-mail or phone numbers, please let Sheryl Curlee know by sending a note to secretary@dallaspioneer.org |