Dallas, TX

Table of Contents Volume II

William C.C. Akard and wife, Sarah Bowen1
Henry A. Anderson and wife, Maud Polk2
Albert Arons and wife, Lena Cohn3
Leopold (Louis) Arons and wife, Otelia Wohl4
Robert Arons and wife, Matilda Jacoby4
Benjamin Dodson Atwell and wife, De Emma Hawley5
Seaborn J. Baggett and wife, Mary A. Robinson7
Uzziel Baggett and wife, Sarah E. Collins and wife, Emily Munden7
Elias Jefferson Ball and wife, Ollie Florence Yates8
Henry Washington Ball and wife, Frances Adams Ball8
Sterling Rex Barnes and wife, Martha Ann Mitchell10
Daniel Bechtol and wife, Mahala Biser12
Baxter Manton Bell and wife, Louisa Spurgin13
William Baxter Bell and wife, Mary Blankenship14
Mary Theodosia Williams Price Billingsley 15
Henry Boll, Sr. and wife, Elizabeth Knopfli15
Ahab Bowen and wife, Mary Lyon Easley17
Camden Chovoin Brady and wife, Laura Hill18
Albert Roscoe “Ross” Brand and wife, Alabama Elizabeth Sachse19
William Thomas Brannon, Sr. and wife, Emma Vernon Veach20
Robert Leon Brau and wife,  Helen Gertrude Smith22
Hilliard Clinche Brite and wife Georgia Beau Lochard23
John Henry Brower and wife, Mary Cole24
Benjamin Ross Brown and wife, Camille Johanna O’Leary25
Fred Ross Brown and wife, Dorothy Louise Knox26
Thomas Colvin Brown and wife, Ellen Priscilla McCain27
James Bracken Bryan and wife, Sue Ellen Merrifield28
Herman Henry Buhrer and wife, Julia Meissner29
Ballard M. “Mac” Burgher and wife, Jessie Williams30
George W. Butler and  wife, Lucy W. Jennings31
Robert Fabius Butler and wife, Mary Anne Moss32
James Byrd and wife, Mary Thomas33
John Wesley Byrd and wife, Martha Ann Pierceall Bone35
Frank Davis Carsey and wife, Lillian Elizabeth Fly36
George Thomas Carsey and wife, Bertha Peterman38
Wormley Carter and wife, Lucy Anderson40
William Caruth and wife Mattie Worthington41
City of Cedar Hill 42
Cedar Springs, Republic of Texas43
Centerville 44
James Mattison Certain and wife, Delia Francis Medlin45
Jackson Clark Chandler and  wife Matilda Safronia Smith46
Minnie May Willoughby Chesney 47
Thomas Campbell Clark and wife, Mary Ramsey48
Colonel William Henry Clark and wife, Mary McDowell49
William Henry Clark and wife, Virginia Maxey Falls49
Leslie Oliver Clay and wife, Delilah Gilbert51
Samuell Clinic in the Early Years51
James Albert Coats and wife, Mary Ann “Polly” Parks53
Samuel Poyntz Cochran 54
Cochran Chapel United Methodist Church54
Cochran Chapel Cemetery56
Gallison Newton Cole 57
Joseph Larkin Cole and wife, Virginia Overton58
William Rappleye Cole and wife, Eva Jane Balderson58
Some Confederate Military Men60
Confederate Gun Factory at Lancaster64
William Thomas Monroe Conner and wife, Sarah “Jennie” Haynes and wife Dartha Everline “Pet” Bickle65
The Cullom Family of Dallas County66
Ashley Wilson Cullum and wife, Marina Felder Cullum and wife, Eloise Brooks Cullum67
Earl Wilson Cullum and wife ,Ruth Owen Cullum68
Thomas Ashley Cullum and wife, Erma Ruth Robertson69
Woodfin Grady Cullum and wife, Minnie Lively Cullum71
William Henry Cullum and wife, Isadora “Icy” Harper72
John Wilbur Currie and wife, Louie Gardner Salmons73
The City of Dallas – The Early Years75
The City of Dallas – The Mid Years76
Maj. Gen. Louis Scott Davidson and wife, Ottilia Katherine Bohny77
Anerew Daniel (Diehm) Deam and wife, Mary Susan Holder78
Ewin Silas Dice and wife, Mary Aley Duncan79
John Alford Dickson and wife, Annie America Davis80
Andrew Jackson Duncan and wife, Martha Eatherly81
The Dysterbachs, Pioneer Dallas Merchants82
William Walter Ealy, Sr. and wife, Ethel Tune84
City of East Dallas85
Howard Smith Edge and wife, Frances Willard Brady86
Elsby, Fritz, Marshall, Padgett, Thomas Families87
Jacob King Ellis and wife, Nancy Queen Morris89
Thomas McKee Ellis and wife, Mary Witt89
Cornelius Jerome Elerson and wife, Ziar Zenobia Chandler90
The State Fair of Texas91
Absolem Theophilus Falls and wife, Sarah Elizabeth Maxey93
William Bransford Ferguson and wife, Mary Catherine Lanham93
Warren Angus Ferris 94
Fishburn Cleaning and Laundry96
The David Walker Florence Homestead, Mesquite, Texas97
Farmers Branch98
Jacob Mason Gant and wife, Mary Jane Graves99
Samuel A. Garner and wife, Frances “Fannie” Mays100
Martin C. Glenn and wife, Alice Robertson101
John J. Good and wife, Susan Anna Floyd101
The Jolly Gossips103
Greenwood Cemetery105
Maxime Guillot and wife, Mary Mullen105
Miles Gibson Hamilton and wife, Barbara Ellen Bouger106
John Nickerson Harris and wife, Laura Belle Work107
Mary Baker Nickerson Harris 108
Samuel Pope Harris and wife, Paulina Frances Hunt109
Alfred Turner Hash and wife, Rhoda S. Stoker111
John Stanley Hatfield and wife, Eliza Alice Law111
Phillip Peter Hatzenbuehler and wife, Maria Elisabetha Lutz112
James Edward Hawkins and wife, Parolee Ann Self114
C. C. Hayley and wife, Josephine Elam115
The Dallas Times Herald 116
Daniel Herring and wife, Mary Deck117
Highlights of Dallas County History118
George Wesley Hillpot and wife, Etta McFerren119
Howard Holston Hines and wife, Lovie Lou Moore120
John Hoffman and wife, Jane Ladd121
William Asa Holford and wife, Laura May Scott122
Douglas McLean Hooe and wife, Mary Eliza Tilley123
John Mashman Howell, Jr. and wife, Ruth Ellen Killough125
Roy Patton Howell and wife, Fay Gorman126
The Horton Cemetery – , Eagle Ford, Texas128
Abraham Clore Huffman and wife, Emma Christian Tooley128
Michael Lyter Huffman and wife, Mildred Elinor Clore129
Harrison Gilbert (Gib) Hughes and wife, Evelyn M. Orem130
Rev. William H. Hughes and wife Zuleika Kittrell132
Peter Wendell Hund and wife, Emma Mary Gorges133
Mary Brady Hunter 134
Indians at The Three Forks of the Trinity River, 136
The City of Irving 137
John (Jack) Hays Jackson and wife, Mildred Ann Elizabeth (Bettie) Nash138
Thomas Jefferson Jackson and wife, Mary Eliza Nash139
Henry Hibler Jacoby and wife, Laura Jane Harris140
William Foster Jacoby and wife, Virginia Maxey Clark  141
The Old Dallas County Jail 142
John Frank Jordan and wife, Celia Elizabeth Pogue143
The Ketchum Family144
James B. Kinsey and wife, Murphy Long146
The Kleberg Community147
“Colonel” Epps Gabriel Knight and wife, Fannie Louise Patton148
Thomas Lagow and wife, Sarah Bennett148
Christian Langdeau and wife, Lou Terrell149
William Albert Lavender and wife, Margaret E. Crum150
William Lavender and wife, Margaret Hall Little151
Lawson Community Residents152
Robert E. Lee Park and Arlington Hall153
Reynolds McCall Lemmon and wife Signora (Nora) Seawright  154
The Start of Love Field Airport155
Alfred King Lucas and wife, Mary Alice Cole  157
Robert Anderson Mansfield and wife, Aurelia Halleck  157
Frank Marten and son, George Adam Marten  159
Harry Irl Maxson and wife, Marion Flagg Maxson  159
Andrew Jackson May and wife, Mary Ann White  161
Elisha McCommas and wife, Rhoda Ann Tucker 163
John Calvin McCoy – Dallas County Pioneer President  164
John Milton McCoy – First President of the Dallas County Pioneer Association  165
Miller McCraw and wife Beryl Antony  166
William Ira McFerren and wife, Georgette Matheny  167
Wallace R. Mercer and wife, Rhoda Crawford  169
James Burley Merriman and wife, Katherine Lee Huckrider  170
The Merrell Cemetery  171
Joseph Foreman Merrifield and wife, Sallie McHenry  172
Charles Gordon Miller and wife, Malvina Gay Burns  173
Isaac Nelson Miller and wife, Jessie Pearl Montgomery  174
Martin V. Miller and wife, Louisa J. Hinman Waggoner  176
William Ringo Moffett and wife, Eleanor Ratcliff  178
Stephen Harvey Moore and wife, Rhoda Culbertson  179
August Mueller and wife Lena Schulthess  180
Elias Tidwell Myers and wife, Nancy Ann Brandenburg  181
Marvin Elias Myers and wife, Ora Ethel Shipley  182
Samuel Benjamin Myers and wives, Orlena Tenessee Ray and Elizabeth Colbert  183
Jasper Newton Nickens and wife Nancy Ann Russell  184
Thomas Edward Nix and wife, Virginia Peak  186
Sidney Smith Noell and wife, Nancy Jane Lively  187
Dr. John Tilghman (Tillman) Nolan  189
North Oak Cliff Baptist Church –  75 Years of Witnessing for Christ  190
Oak Lawn United Methodist Church  190
Phillip Joseph Offutt and wife, Laura Alice Dotson  192
William Brackett Owen and wife, Elizabeth Mae Wallis  194
Isaiah Park and wife, Catherine Grant  195
Parkland Memorial Hospital  195
Joseph Josar Parrish and wife, Almeda Cordelia Welch196
Francis Marion “Frank” Parrish and wife, Mary Emma Prescott  198
Henry S. Parrish and wife, Eliza Jane Record  200
Michael Henry Peterman and wife, Bertha Frichot  201
Howard Adolph Peterman and wife, Nellie Wesson  203
Luthur Young Alexander Pickard and wife, Katherin “Katie” L. Ridling  205
Andrew Johnson Pierce and wife, Martha Elizabeth Byrd  206
Rev. J. Foster Pierce and wife, Llora Cullum  207
Early Pioneer Association Officers  208
John Benton Ramsey and wife, Parthene Hamilton  210
Jackson Rape and wife, Eliza Jane Sumpter  211
James William Rape and wife, Lillie C. Stinsonn  212
Peter Early Rape, Mary Isabella Bullock, Sarah Baggett  213
Josiah A. Record and wife, Lavinna Casey  215
Robert Sidney Rippy and wife, Mary Frances Gant  215
Mark Robertson and wife, Elizabeth Harris  217
Rose Hill Community  217
Rowlett 218
J. K. Sachse and wife, Mary Elisabeth (Mollie) Herring  219
William Sachse and wife, Elizabeth McCulloch  221
Sanger Brothers222
Frank Schultz, Sr. and wife, Anna Zahl  223
Frank Schultz and wife, Florence Florence  224
Scyene Meeting Place225
William Thomas Sharp annd wife, Eva Lane Sharp  226
Dallas County Sheriffs, the Early Years  228
Dallas County Sheriffs in Two Centuries  229
Dallas County Sheriffs in the Motorized Age  230
John Thomas Shipley and wife, Sarah Jane Griffin  232
Edward MacGregor Simpson and wife, Marjorie Jane Tucker  233
Marshall Moore Skiles and wife Mary Frances Laurence Butler  236
Colby Taylor Smith and wife, Marium Stevenson  237
Robert Thomas Smith and wife, Ada Elizabeth Tuggle  239
John Henry Soelter and wife, Edith Gerard  240
Myra Belle Shirley Reed Starr  242
Leslie Allison Stemmons and wife, Elizabeth Vinson Storey  242
Colonel John S. Stone and wife, Mary Morley  244
Norman Watson Stone and wife, Mary Catherine Brady  245
William C. Story and wife, Fanny Farine  246
Absolom Stratton and wife, Celia Graham Logan  247
James Davidson Stratton and wife, Mary Ann Butler  250
Joseph Albert Switzer and wife, Elizabeth Jane Garner  252
John Henry Switzer and wife, Laura Leota McElroy  253
James Henry Tanner, Sr. and wife, Maggie Mary Webb  254
Moses Franklin Thomas and wife, Rebecka Richardson  256
Richard Henry Tooley and wife, Mary Elizabeth Powell  257
Dee Wilton Tuggle and wife, Ella Wade  258
William Thomas Tuggle and wife, Mary Ellen Cole Tuggle  259
George Nathaniel Walker and wife, Mamie Josephine Brady  260
Isaac B. Webb Diary261
Isaac B. Webb and wife, Mary Hughes  262
Joshua Whitfield Webb and wife, Sarah Catherine Dennis  263
The West Side of Dallas County  264
Western Heights Cemetery  265
White Rock Lake266
Harry Williams and wife, Bettie Samuell  267
William Lansdon Williams and wife, Lucinda Beckley  268
Frances Marion Williams and wife, Edna Earl McAdams  269
Bert Willoughby  271
R. M. Williamson and wife, Effie Gilmer  272
William Wilson and wife, Isabella Byrd  273
Charles Worley and wife, Upshur Brice Davis  274
John Steve Wyrick and wife, Ellen Beatrice Merriman  276
Nathan A. F. Yeargan and wife, Charlotte Sims Davis277