Dallas, TX

Tag: dallascounty

East Dallas

by Frances James [A vintage article written by our own Frances James, “the Cemetery Lady.”] The city of East Dallas existed for seven short years (1882-1889), just east of the city of Dallas. Though its life was brief, it was home to many distinguished builders of Dallas. East Dallas was bom when the Houston and…
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William Cooper McKamy and William Cooper McKamy, Jr.

William C. McKamy, Sr. came to Texas around 1851 from Tennessee. On October 21, 1845, he had previously married the former Rachel Loyd Wester and they brought with them their three children: William Albert, John Lewis and a daughter Keziah (a family name) McKamy. Once settled here, they had three more children: Mary E., William…
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Parkland Hospital

The oldest hospital in Dallas, Parkland Hospital Hospital was opened May 19, 1894, in a group of wooden buildings on a seventeen-acre wooded tract called Parkland, at Oak Lawn and Maple Avenues. An ambulance was purchased, but it was two years before a horse was acquired to pull it. A meningitis epidemic in 1911 underscored…
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Eight Sites for African American History in Dallas

Discover These 8 African American History Sites in Dallas Texas Historical Commission listing of Eight Sites for African American History in Dallas