Dallas, TX

Tag: cemetery

W. W. Glover Cemetery

by Frances James The Glover Cemetery is on the south side of the 6600 block of Military Parkway between a Baptist Church and a Methodist Church. The Churches had no connection with the cemetery as the cemetery had been in use for over seventy-five years before the churches were organized and built on the east…
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Beeman Cemetery 2022 Work Days

In February 2022, DCPA and family members held work days at the historic Beeman Cemetery. Below are some images from that effort. Additional comments and images will be added when it becomes available.

Honey Springs Cemetery

By Frances James This three acre cemetery has also been called the Coming Home, the Home Coming, and the Queen City. It is located near the intersection of Overton and Illinois on the west side of the Trinity River. Bulova and Cotton are short streets that dead end at the cemetery. The land in the…
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McCree Cemetery

by Frances James When you drive down the 9000 block of Audelia Road, you might not be aware of the McCree Cemetery behind the telephone company building. The approximately three and a half acre cemetery is on a portion of Peters Colonist Harrison Hostead’s Survey No. 587. Virginia native Harrison Hostead (1800-1852) and Prudence Bartlett…
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Beeman Cemetery

by Frances James The Beeman Cemetery is south of Haskell Avenue, off Dolphin Road. Go east on Minga and turn right on (Gault) Pepper to the end. There is no street address for the cemetery. It is behind the Shearith Israel Cemetery on Dolphin Road. John Beeman was quoted as saying the site for the…
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Quarterly Report – DCPA Cemetery Committee

Second Quarter, 2021 Cemetery Report, Southeast Dallas County by Marsha Leach The RYLIE CEMETERY at 10377 Rylie Road is watched over by the Rylie Cemetery Association which was founded in 1962.  They maintain the cemetery grounds through private donations, mostly from family descendants.  The cemetery is protected by a chain link fence and is in…
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Event Canceled – 1812 Dedication Ceremony

The organizers have advised us that the event that was to have been held on 11/21,/21 has been canceled.

11th Annual Mesquite Meander

Our friends at historicmesquite.org have asked us to share this event with you. Please note the dates and times above, the cost and also the caveat that it is not suitable for small children.

Rylie Cemetery Cleanup Day, 9/25/21

In anticipation of the Rylie Reunion on October 2, 2021, the Rylie Cemetery Association is having a work day Saturday, September 25, 2021. Contact information for further details is in the above image, but the Rylie Cemetery is located on Rylie Road, between Tufts and Ellenwood, Rylie, Texas. https://dallaspioneer.org/events/rylie-cemetery-cleanup-day/ ‎

Nancy C. Strong Reinterment and Memorial Service, 2019

On September 16, 2019, we had a long, hot, interesting day as witnesses of the disinterments from the Durrett Cemetery and the reinterments of George and Elizabeth Durrett (Edgewood Cemetery), and the Strong Baby Girl, Nancy C. Strong (Hutchins Cemetery). This is the story from our leaving the Edgewood Cemetery to the Hutchins Cemetery. From…
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