Dallas, TX

Recent Cemetery Visits: Overton Cemetery, Simpson Family Cemetery, May 2023

Overton Cemetery

Member’s comments: “There has been concern due to a construction project near Overton Cemetery.

A story by Frances James on dallaspioneer.org says: “The Overton Family and Community Cemetery is a one-acre cemetery… The area unside the 90’x90′ fenced section is where immediate family members are buried…The entire cemetery has been designated a Historic Texas Cemetery and is recorded in the County records.”  

So I say that probably the builder didn’t build on the cemetery because the city had to approve the building permit and the record of the cemetery in the Official Dallas County records that are supposed to be checked.

I noticed on an aerial photo that it looks like some electrical or cable wires are behind the cemetery that continue on to the adjoining properties. The cemetery property should end where Leatherwood St. ends or about 240′ from Overton.  That is if those streets have not been changed recently.”

Simpson Family Cemetery

Member’s comments: “Whole cemetery is very small. Fence condition shown.” [Cemetery is located at Barnabus Drive at Morningview Drive, a bit west of the campus of Paul Quinn College.]