Frank Mewshaw Killed In Dallas At S. G. Davis Hat Company (No date on article, but trial started March 11, 1912)
Frank Mewshaw, well known in Garland, was shot and killed by A. T. Stewart in Dallas yesterday. The following account of the killing is taken from the Dallas News of today:
The shooting occurred at 2:30 o’clock. Three shots from a 41 caliber double action revolver struck Mewshaw. One entered just above the nipple and ranged down back, striking the backbone. Another entered the left thigh just below the joint, and a third passed through the fleshy part of the right thigh. All appeared to have entered from in front, and the coat showed powder burns where it was pierced by the ball that entered above the nipple. Mewshaw died ten minutes after being shot. Physicians had been summoned but the man was beyond human aid.
The fatal shots were fired in the shipping room of S. G. Davis Hat Company, on the second floor of the building. According to men who were in the house (old term for business house) when the homicide happened, Mewshaw had stepped inside the building from the main entrance on Elm street and had passed over toward the water cooler, seemingly to take a drink. A man passed the doorway, glanced in, turned and entered.
Mewshaw glanced at the newcomer, and immediately hastened toward the rear of the store. The man drew a revolver and both men quickened their paces, Mewshaw running up the narrow and steep stairway at the rear of the store which turns and leads directly into hte shopping room. Revolver in hand, the other followed rapidly, and the men darted in and about the boxes and shipping clerks at work there. Mewshaw had run into a corner, from which there was no escape save past the man with the gun.
Here it was that the shooting took place. A porter who was within three feet of the men when the shooting was going on, and who was crouched into the corner in an effort to get out of the range of the fire, said that as nearly as he could remember, Mewshaw seemed to sink to his knees immediately after the first shot and raised his face and arms. The Negro could not remember what, if anything, was said by either of the men. Immediately after the shooting, the bleeding form of the wounded man was carried a few feet to the elevator entrance, where he expired at 2:40 o’clock.
Frank Mewshaw was reared in Garland and bore a good reputation morally. For the past several years he had been manager of the Hudson Davis store at Carrollton, and a few months ago went to Goldthwaite, where he was living at the time he was killed.
His father, Joe T. Mewshaw and wife, and two sisters reside at Huntsville now, where Mr. Mewshaw is superintendent of the state iron foundry. Another sister, Mrs. W. L. Edmonson, lives at Loraine, and a brother, Dr. Robert Mewshaw, lives at Winters.
The body of Frank was shipped to Garland today at noon, and funeral services will be held tomorrow at 2 p. m. at the Antioch Baptist Church.
The killing was a great shock to friends of the family here.