Next meeting – Scheduled for 12/5/2020 at 10AM (9AM if you plan to eat). Please note: MEAL RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE TO 972-260-9334 BY DECEMBER 1ST. RESERVATIONS ARE NOT ACCEPTED BY EMAIL. As always there is a $15 meal charge payable at the meeting. If you make a reservation and do not attend you will still be expected to pay for the meal. If you are not eating, the meeting will start at 10 a.m. Beverage service is only for those who have paid to eat. Coffee is not provided unless you eat.
Location – Highland Oaks Church of Christ, 10805 Walnut Hill Ln, Dallas, Texas 75238
Speaker – Kelvin L Meyers, Forensic Genealogist
Kevin Meyers is a fifth generation Texan and has been a professional forensic genealogist
since 1996. Kelvin is a frequent speaker to genealogical societies and family associations
throughout the United States. He specializes in southern brick wall problems for clients. Kelvin is a 1989 and 1990 alumnus of the Institute of Genealogical and Historical Research at Samford University and has returned there as lecturer in the Southern Course and the Professional Course. In 2016 he co-coordinated with J. Mark Lowe, “A Swing Through the South” at Salt Lake Institute of Genealogical Research.
In 2019 Kelvin coordinated the “Burned Counties and More: Overcoming Record Loss” course. He is a past board member of the Association of Professional Genealogist, a past President of the Lone Star Chapter of Association of Professional Genealogist and a founding member for the Council for the Advancement of Forensic Genealogy. He currently serves as chairman of the history and archives committee of First United Methodist Church in Dallas.
The Dallas Genealogical Society awarded Kelvin the Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck Distinguished Service Award in December of 2018. In 2016 Kelvin published Research in Texas for the National Genealogical Society Research in the States series. Kelvin is also the director of the Texas Institute of Genealogical Research.