Spring Meeting – Sat, March 22, 2025
10:00 am - 11:30 am
C. C. Young - Point Center Meeting Room
4847 W Lawther Dr #100
Dallas, TX
Please join us for breakfast (9:00am) before the 10:00 am meeting at C. C. Young, (Center Point meeting room).

Beri Schwitzer
Beri is a Las Vegas native with deep, twenty-five year Dallas roots. Her extensive experience in non-profit management, adult education, genealogy, and love of history culminate in the role of Executive Director. We are so glad she has joined DJHS in our mission to preserve and share Dallas Jewish history. Swing by to welcome her the next time you are the JCC!
Breakfast ($20) will be served at 9:00 am, followed by the meeting & speaker at 10:00 am.
A reservation is required for the meal, but not to attend the meeting.
To reserve a meal, click here or call (972) 260-9334 before March 15, 2025.