The 13th Annual Texas State Fair was held in Dallas in October, 1898. The November 4, 1948 issue of the Decatur Texas Messenger retold the story of one event at the fair, the reuniting of two long lost brothers, Henry N. Haskell and Horace H. Haskell, as transcribed below:
October 21, 1898
Here is an incident of the Texas State Fair, now in progress in Dallas, that possesses elements that make it appear as if borrowed from the field of romance.
In 1854, two brothers, Henry N. Haskell and Horace H. Haskell, left their old home in Kentucky. One sought the Pacific Coast and the other came to Texas. Both were intent on seeking fortune in new fields of west and southwest. They soon lost trace of each other, and for 44 years neither knew of the other’s fate or whereabouts. For years H. N. Haskell has been an honored citizen of Dallas (who) lives in an elegant home on Elm Street and Haskell Ave.
Recently Horace H. Haskell, who had moved from the Pacific coast to Houston, Texas, saw the name of H. N. Haskell of Dallas in the newspaper. Investigation established the relationship of the two men and the other day, among a party of State Fair excursionists from Houston, arrived H. H. Haskell to meet his brother, H. N. Haskell. The reunion was a happy one. Both men are well fixed as far as worldly means of comfort are concerned, and enjoying as good health as men 69 and 72 years old respectively could expect. They have determined to know each other better the balance of their lives than they have for nearly a half century. They have been apart forty-four years.
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