Dallas, TX

July 4, 1876

The Dallas Daily Herald carried the following proclamation dated June 3, 1876.


Mayor’s Office
City of Dallas
June [July] 3, 1876

WHEREAS, Tuesday, the Fourth day of July, is a national holiday; and whereas, in this, the Centennial year of American Independence, it is not only the duty, but should be the pleasure of our citizens to celebrate the day in a manner commensurate with the occasion, and in order that this end may be obtained.

Now, I, H. S. Ervay, acting Mayor of the city of Dallas, do issue this, ___ proclamation, requesting the citizens of Dallas to close all offices and places of business on that day, in order that our whole people may join in a grand demonstration, proclaiming to the world our appreciation of the manifold blessings vouchsafed to us as American citizens.

Given under my hand and the official seal of the city of Dallas, this 3rd day of July, 1876.

[Signed] H. S. Ervay, Mayor pro tem.

Reporting from elsewhere around the country and the world, the issue reported the reading of the “Woman’s Declaration of Rights, and Articles of Impeachment of the Government of the United States” prepared by the National Woman’s Suffrage Association was to be read in Philadelphia in a meeting on July 4th. Susan B. Anthony was slated to be among the speakers.

Page three included the reprinting of the preamble to the Declaration of Independence and an excerpt from the farewell address of President George Washington. It referred to them as documents that should be read by every American.

Links to those documents are shown below:

Declaration of Independence – National Archives

Farewell Address of George Washington – Link to a PDF that may be downloaded from Senate.gov.